Security and Technology in Casinos


Security is a top priority in a casino. Casinos use elaborate surveillance systems to keep an eye on patrons and game play. The cameras in the ceiling monitor every table, window and doorway, and they are adjusted to focus on patrons who might be attempting to cheat. The video feeds are recorded and can be reviewed after the fact. In addition, the payouts on slot machines are determined randomly by computer chips.

In the 1990s, casinos began increasing their use of technology. The first of these was the use of video cameras and computers to monitor the games. The next evolution was the development of “chip tracking” software, which allowed casinos to monitor wagers minute by minute. Electronic monitoring of roulette wheels is also common. This information helps casinos track trends in patron spending and advertising.

Casinos invest heavily in surveillance to keep high rollers from cheating and stealing. Many of them gamble in separate rooms separated from the casino floor, where their stakes can be in the tens of thousands of dollars. This is a big source of revenue for the casinos, and many high rollers receive free luxury suites and other perks as a result of being a high roller.

Casinos have an enormous variety of games. Some casinos are known for inventing games, while others focus on traditional games. While some games are regulated by state laws, others are not.