The Dark Side of a Casino


There are many factors to consider when evaluating the impact of a Casino on the local economy. While many people will expect an increased number of jobs, this promise may not materialize. The casino’s job creation promises should be compared to the local unemployment rate. The decrease in the unemployment rate is often cited as evidence of improved local employment. On the other hand, the new casino may bring in skilled labor from outside the area, which is not necessarily beneficial to the local economy.

A modern casino resembles an indoor amusement park for adults. Though the vast majority of entertainment in a casino comes from gambling, casinos would not exist without games of chance. Games like slots, blackjack, roulette, and baccarat make U.S. casinos billions of dollars every year. These games, however, are only part of the casino’s overall appeal. Here are some of the darker aspects of a Casino:

Comps – Unlike other types of discounts, casino comps are not always free. While the casino offers some benefits, most people should be able to win only a small portion of their money. The casino will not give away free food or drinks to those who are too conservative with their money. It is a good idea to know what types of comps you can earn so you can play responsibly. You can also check with the casino if they offer a pre-commitment facility for larger amounts.