A small notch or groove, as in the keyway of a type-wheel, the slit for a coin in a vending machine, etc.

From Middle Low German slit, from Old High German slot, from German Schloss (door bolt). Also: a narrow notch in a structure or object, as a slot in a door, the slit in an aircraft fuselage through which air can flow, the elongated hole in the wing of a plane for mounting the wings, the slit in a gun barrel through which a bullet passes, a slot in a door frame to allow the opening to be shut, etc.

The word jackpot first entered the English lexicon in 1881 in relation to gambling games in which a prize accumulates until it is won. The word subsequently broadened to refer to any large and unexpected win, whether in a lottery game, a casino slot machine, or a sports event such as a basketball game. It has even been applied to investment situations such as a stock that rises suddenly in value, giving investors a substantial profit.

In the Flask of Rum demo, players can collect credits by lining up three or more matching symbols in a row. These credits may be used to play additional spins or to win ten free games, depending on the game settings and available symbols. The game can be modified to include a new symbol or to change the number of active lines by altering the game script. The source code of this game, and other examples and demos for Felgo, is available in the SDK.