
Poker is a card game played between players and for money (chips representing money, in this case). Players place their bets into a pot in the center of the table. The player who has the highest hand at the end of a betting round wins the pot. Depending on the poker variant being played, there may be one or more betting intervals.

Some poker games require players to place a forced bet called the blind. This is usually equal to or less than the amount of the ante and is placed before players are dealt cards. Players who raise the blind bet must then call any players who raise before them in turn.

Once the cards are dealt, there is a period of betting that may be followed by a showdown where players reveal their hidden cards and evaluate their hands. A poker hand consists of five cards; in many cases, only the best five-card combination wins the pot.

If you have a pair of kings off the deal, and they hit on the flop or the river, you have the nuts, which is the best possible poker hand at that point in time. While you’re playing poker, avoid talking about your chips or showing them to other players, as this can give away information about your strategy. It’s also considered bad etiquette.