
The slot is the area of the ice between two faceoff circles in the offensive zone. It has two definitions: a low slot, located in front of the goaltender, and a high slot, which lies in the middle of the ice above the faceoff circles. In hockey, a slot is used as a scoring area. It is also used in football. Its definition is derived from the word’slot’.

The term slot comes from the late 14c., originally meaning a hollow in the throat above the breastbone. The word may be from the Old French esclot, but its origin is not known for certain. A similar word, slod, is derived from Old Norse. The word “slot” first appears in print in the 1520s. The modern meaning of slot is the term “slot machine.”

Today’s slot machines have a random number generator, or RNG, that cycles through thousands of numbers per second. These numbers are then compared to symbols on the reels. While the numbers in the paytable remain the same, the odds of winning a particular symbol are disproportionate to the frequency of those symbols appearing on the physical reel. As a result, the slot machine will pay out more credits when a winning combination appears. When playing at a casino, you should avoid casinos located in bars and airports.

A computer can have more than one expansion slot. A slack in a motherboard allows you to install additional hardware capabilities. In fact, most desktop computers now include expansion slots. A motherboard defines this capability in its manual, which includes a visual diagram. If you are planning to add new hardware to your computer in the future, a slot is an essential component. The key to expanding your computer’s capabilities is finding a slot that is large enough to fit it.