
A slot is a narrow opening in a machine. It may be a channel for a coin or something else, or it can be a position on an aircraft. In aviation, the term “slot” refers to the slot that is opened along the leading edge of an aircraft’s wing to improve airflow. The American Heritage Dictionary defines the word slot as “a narrow opening used for receiving things” or “a position.”

Electronic slot machines have a payback percentage that is designed to achieve a certain percentage of the money the player puts in to win. If the payout percentage was one hundred percent, then the casino would keep 10 percent and give 90 percent away. Any lower than that, and the casino wins. In other words, the payout percentage is set at the factory, not at the casino. In Colorado, for instance, two casinos reported an incorrect jackpot. The Colorado Gaming Commission investigated the issue and determined that the error was software, not the actual jackpot amount.

The SLOT designation is a common nickname for an urban teenager, and is also used for a position in a flying display. It’s a common expression for teenagers who are addicted to their phones, tablets, and other electronic devices. The term is derived from the Latin root *slotana, which means “slave,” and is cognate with the German word Schloss. While most people associate a slot with a girl, the term refers to a boy.