
How Casinos Make Their Money

Gambling is one of the most popular activities around the world, and casinos are among the most profitable. In the United States alone, casinos rake in billions of dollars each year.

They also help attract tourists, and many are built near or even combined with hotels, resorts, restaurants, shopping centers, cruise ships and other tourist attractions. Some even offer live entertainment.

Game Selections and Payouts

Slot machines, roulette, blackjack, craps, keno, and baccarat provide the vast majority of the profits a casino earns. While poker is also a popular casino game, it does not generate as much money for the establishment.

Casino Interior Design and Timelessness

Modern casinos try to give the feeling of luxury, so they are often designed without clocks and windows. This is to keep patrons from noticing the passage of time, which can affect their judgment in betting decisions.

High-Tech Surveillance Systems

The vast majority of casinos use elaborate surveillance systems. Security cameras in the ceiling watch each table, change windows and doorways, and can be adjusted to focus on suspicious patrons.


If you play at a casino long enough and often, you may be eligible for a comp. These are usually free hotel rooms, dinners, tickets to shows or other incentives based on your play. They can be worth hundreds of dollars, depending on the casino’s size and popularity.