What is a Casino?


A casino is a gambling establishment that features table games and/or slot machines. In addition to gambling, some casinos offer a wide range of amenities designed to lure gamblers in for a good time. These include restaurants, shows, free drinks and luxury living quarters. Depending on the size of your bets and the amount of time you spend at a particular machine, you may receive comps (free goods and services) such as hotel rooms, meals, show tickets or even limo service or airline tickets.

The casino business has been around for a long time and has been present in almost every culture throughout history. The exact origin of gambling is unclear but is thought to date back to the first societies with organized religions and/or government.

In the modern world, the casino industry has grown to be a multi-billion dollar industry with its main competitors being Las Vegas and Macau. In 2005, the average casino patron was a forty-six-year-old female from a household with an above-average income. These types of patrons are known as high rollers and they typically gamble in separate rooms away from the main floor with stakes that can be tens of thousands of dollars.

Gambling is a highly competitive industry and casinos have a number of built-in advantages that ensure they will make a profit on all bets placed by patrons. This mathematical assurance is known as the house edge and it is virtually impossible for a patron to win more than the casino expects to make on his or her bets. Casinos know this and are able to attract high bettors by offering them extravagant inducements such as free spectacular entertainment, luxury living quarters, reduced-fare transportation and even complimentary luxurious meals.